Community rules
Sevda is a dating and socialising app. People from all over the world use our app to communicate and exchange information securely. If you are honest, kind and respectful of others, you are always welcome. You can express yourself freely on the app as long as it doesn't hurt other users' feelings.
These community rules were created by our team. We aim to create a safe and comfortable app for cordial and friendly communication.
The purpose of these community rules is to tell you what you can and cannot do in our app and on the website.
We regularly review these rules to ensure that they represent the interests of all members of the community and comply with laws and regulations.
Please treat others with respect, think carefully about your actions and follow the rules of our community, both online and offline.
Below is a list of our community rules. If you break any of these rules, we will remove you from the Sevda community. Please report any actions that violate our policies to us, and be sure to read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Personal information
Do not disclose your or anyone else's personal information, including passport numbers, passwords, financial information or additional contact details such as telephone numbers, email addresses, home or work addresses.
Sevda is forbidden:
Using the app with children under the age of 13
You must be at least 13 years old to use the Sevda app. If we have evidence that you are under 13 years old, we will block your account.
Fake profiles and the use of other identities
You can use a nickname, but do not impersonate others or mislead other users about your identity. Do not create parody accounts.
It is forbidden in our app:
- Providing false information about yourself, including age and location.
- Publishing and sending pictures of people other than yourself to other people without their knowledge or permission.
- Publishing and sending photoshopped photos to others that are likely to be misleading.
- Publication of photos with watermarks, logos.
Violence and physical harm
We do not tolerate the posting of violent or violent content. We prohibit any action or material that advocates violence of any kind, including threats or calls for terrorism.
Any action that could cause physical harm or physical violence is strictly forbidden.
Materials promoting suicide or self-harm are also prohibited.
In situations like this, we can appeal to the law enforcement authorities.
Do not engage or encourage other users to engage in aggressive actions against any other users. Any reports of harassment, threats or intimidation are taken very seriously. We may contact law enforcement authorities.
Erotic content
Post content that is suitable for public viewing. Observe the rules of decorum. Do not post content of a sexual nature.
Copyright and trademark infringement
If your Sevda profile contains content that is trademarked or copyrighted by others, you cannot post it without permission.
Prostitution and human trafficking
The provision of sexual services, human trafficking or other sexual acts and aiding and abetting such acts is strictly prohibited and will result in the blocking of the Sevda account.
Treat the beliefs and interests of other users with respect. We are against all forms of discrimination.
We regard content as inappropriate if it contains content,
appealing or approving
- racism,
- fascism,
- violence,
- hatred,
- Mutilation
in relation to themselves or other personalities.
Discrimination on the basis of:
- Races
- Ethnicity
- Physical restrictions
- Age
- Nationalities
- Sexual orientation
- Paula
- Gender identity
- Religions
- Appearances
strictly forbidden
Publicity and advocacy
App users cannot advertise anything on Sevda. We remove profiles whose purpose is to advertise an event or service, non-profit and political campaigns, contests or conducting research. Sevda is an app for communication, not for advertising.
Do not use Sevda as a tool to post links or attract users to other sites.
We block anyone who tries to access other people's personal information for fraudulent or illegal purposes. Sevda blocks users who provide their financial details in order to receive funds from other users.
Inactivity of the profile
If you do not access your profile for a long period of time, Sevda may delete your account due to lack of activity.
We check posts and accounts for content that violates these rules or the Sevda Terms of Service using several automated systems, as well as through regular checks by a team of moderators.
If you don't adhere to Sevda's rules, our moderator may restrict your access or permanently delete your account (even if you broke the rules while you were offline).
Sevda reserves the right to investigate and terminate your account without refund of any purchases if you misuse the Service.
We may also block your account if your behaviour is inappropriate, unlawful or in breach of the Terms of Use, including actions or messages outside the Service to users you have met through the Service.
From time to time we may modify these rules to suit our aim of making the app even more user-friendly.
The current version of the rules can always be found at this link.